Photographer Travels To The Coldest Village On Earth Where The Temperature Can Reach -71.2C (-96F)

If you think that winter has already come to your city, pictures from Oymyakon, Russia, the coldest village on Earth, might change your mind. With the lowest temperature of −71.2 °C (−96 °F), recorded in 1924, and the average for January being -50°C (-60°F), this village is the coldest permanently inhabited place on this planet. New Zealand-based photographer Amos Chapple decided to go on a two-day journey from Yakutsk, the coldest major city on Earth, to capture what everyday life is like in Oymyakon.

The Central Market In Yakutsk is full of fish and meat as the crops do not grow there

The ‘Road Of Bones’ is the only route to Oymyakon

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