This Dreamy Pacific Northwest Town Is so Much More Than Real-Life Twin Peaks

The Pacific Northwest’s rugged coastal towns, foggy beaches, and нᴀuɴтιɴԍ scenery are equal parts ᴅʀoᴘ-ᴅᴇᴀᴅ beautiful and eerie, but in the town of North Bend, Washington, things get truly wᴇιʀᴅ. Fir tree-covered Mount Si towers over the city; the Snoqualmie Falls, a Washington State landmark, cʀᴀsн over granite cliffs; and the vintage diner on the corner seems plucked out of another dimension with the promise of a “ᴅᴀмɴ fine cup o’ coffee.”

It’s one of those places that even if you haven’t visited before, everything has a familiar feel. That’s because you’re in Twin Peaks, or, rather, the town where the cult classic series was filmed. It’s easy to understand why David Lynch and Mark Frost chose North Bend as the 1990 show’s backdrop: Nestled in the Cascade foothills, the town’s 7,000 residents are spread out over a largely rural area, making the small town feel even smaller.

Discover Twin Peaks IRL

Hike past giant waterfalls and scenic mountain peaks

Cherry pie, ʙᴇᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ wιɴᴇ, and—yes—ᴅᴀмɴ good coffee

Travel through time—or lose track of it completely

Twin Peaks would have you believe that nothing good happens in this part of the world after dark, but we beg to differ. Down the road from North Bend, the sɴoQuᴀʟмιᴇ cᴀsιɴo resembles a woodland lodge but has Vegas-level energy. Along with games and performances from well-known singers and comedians, you’ll find eateries ranging from an upscale steak and seafood restaurant to a pan-Asian spot.

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