The Coolest Hotels In The World

If you’ve ever stayed in a generic hotel, you know how bland they can be. Sure, they usually cater to your basic needs, but they aren’t really aesthetically pleasing with their interior design. And well, a beautiful and comfortable hotel room can add quite a lot to your whole vacation experience. And since you’re traveling to some exotic or never-seen-before destination, why not get the most out of it? Each of these unusual and fancy hotels around the world does its best to provide guests with, in one way or another, a unique and unforgettable experience.

There are a lot of different ways to make a hotel design unique. For some of these, the location is critical. In others, the modern architecture of the hotel itself is an attraction – I’ve certainly never been to a floating hotel or a hotel built in an airliner!

Botel Matylda, Praha, Czeh Republic

98acres Resort Sri Lanka

Entre Cielos Hotel De Lujo, Mendoza, Argentina

The Dragonfly (treehotels), Harads, Sweden

The Cabin (treehotels), Harads, Sweden

The Ufogel, Lienz, Austria

The Ufo (treehotels), Harads, Sweden

Propeller Island – A Hotel That Fullfills Your Darkest Dreams, Berlin

Casapueblo, Uruguay.

Tongabezi Tree House, Zambezi National Park, Livingstone Way, Zimbabwe

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