I Captured Stunning Pictures Of Milky Way In Finland’s Most Desolate Landmarks

A few years ago I didn’t know about the Milky Way. A few years ago I wouldn’t have dared to go alone outside in the middle of the night. Now I’m usually alone out in the nights and I really enjoy it, even if sometimes it can be scary.

I have been photographing the stars for almost 4 years and still today every time I’m out it feels like it’s the first time. I find it really fascinating that I can capture the stars, the Milky Way and the Northern lights with my camera!

Here are some night images that I have captured in Finland. Finland is a big country so sometimes I have to drive many hours away from my hometown to get to the place I want. After the shooting, I usually sleep in the car. Also many times it can be really hard to shoot during the winter as in Finland the weather can be really harsh.

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/starry-night-sky-oscar-keserci-finland/ >

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