Grandson Takes Grandma To See The Mountains, It Turns Into An Adventure To Visit Every US National Park Together

When you’re in your 20s it can feel like you have to experience all that the world has to offer in the next 10 years, because afterwards, life changes too much. Or so they say. The ᴅʀᴇᴀᴅᴇᴅ 30s. The time when all your life’s expectations start doing front-flips and backflips at the same time, turning your brain into a never-stopping washing machine of confusion. Or so they say.


However, stories like this remind us that the joy of exploration doesn’t have to be linear or finite. Our childlike curiosity and craving for adventure and experiences isn’t limited to the first 30 years of our existence. And this 92-year-old grandma and her grandson are the perfect examples of just that, as they aim to visit all 63 US national parks. So how did they come up with such an ᴀᴅvᴇɴтuʀous ιᴅᴇᴀ? Let’s find out!

Brad Ryan, 42, and his 92-year-old grandma, Joy Ryan, decided to go on a trip of a lifetime and visit every single one of the US’ 63 national parks

The idea first came in October 2015 when Brad had a three-day weekend to spare during his veterinary studies and asked Joy if she wanted to go on an adventure

Their first trip was to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and although Brad worried for his grandma, she exceeded his expectations

“That was my misperception of what age means and more importantly, what her spirit would allow her to do,” he said

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