My 20 Photos Of Kyrgyzstan, The Hidden Gem Of Central Asia

As a photographer and nature lover, you know that feeling when you see that untouched beauty? Crazy mountains with open valleys? It triggers you somehow. That was what Kyrgyzstan did to me.

Kyrgyzstan doesn’t require a visa to access. It’s fairly easy to travel to if you’re willing to transfer somewhere. It doesn’t really offer direct flights from most places. You’ll be flying into the capital Bishkek which is already surrounded by crazy mountains. It starts right there. Upon entering the city you already see high snowcapped peaks around you. Basically, this whole country has immense heights and mountains. It’s on another level than what we’re used to in Europe, especially for me living in the Netherlands below sea level. Being on an altitude around 3000m is fairly common here with peaks over 7000m and occasional hikes to 4000m+. I had a bit of trouble with the altitudes in the beginning of my visit but this disappeared after a while.

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