Forgotten Places In Staten Island, Ny

When you think of New York City you conjure up images of Times Square, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, Wall Street, etc. But there is one borough in NYC that has a forgotten past. Staten Island–with it’s Farm Colony, Seaview hospital, etc. that shows a hidden past with some dark history that some say should remain hidden.

A cholera hospital was added to the site in 1832, and housing for “the insane” in 1837.

This boat engine is all that remains on a beach after hurricane Sandy washed a boat up onshore.

Farm Colony ʀuιɴs. Also known as the “Poor Farm”, the homeless would work the land in exchange for on-sight housing.

This ʀuιɴ has what appears to be the remains of a guard tower.

ғoʀт Wadsworth

Beneath the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

Lemon Creek Park

ғιʀᴇwoʀκs over the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge

Christmas at Historic Richmondtown

A view of Manhattan Skyline

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