Me And My Girlfriend Revisited Slovakian Tatras, And Here Are New Photos From Our Trip

Together with my girlfriend and her parents, I made a trip to Tatranská Lomnica in Slovakia in 2018.  Three years later, we returned to Slovakian Tatras and spent a few amazing days there. My girlfriend has reached the Rysy Peak – the highest point in Poland, and I accompanied her on this trip.

Still, for me, it’s one of the top 10 most beautiful places in Europe. I’d highly recommend you visit it ASAP!

View From Rozcestník – In The Center Mengusovský Volovec

Building Of Hotel Solisko

Mengusovce – A Great Place To Start Your Adventure

On The Way To Rysy Peak You Will Pass The “Chata Pod Rysmi”

Jupiter – View From Popradske Pleso

Štrbské Pleso – Hotel Patria

Hrebeň Končistej

Sunset View On High Tatry

Studio Ghibli In Real Life!

Slovensky Raj – View From Way To Velke Hincovo Pleso

Probably Ľadový Potok And View Of Kôpky

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