10 Reasons to Visit Nicaragua

One of the hottest tourist destinations in 2015 is the breathtaking country of Nicaragua. Home to luscious jungles, rich history and the city of Granada, you should visit this Central American country before the word gets out on how amazing it is.

With decent infrastructure, charming towns and plenty of hotels to choose from, it’s a mystery why this country is still relatively undiscovered.

Volcano Boarding

Where else can you experience the thrill of sliding down a volcano on your very own sled? So you have to hike to the top on your own steam, but that just adds to the adventure.

Delicious Food

Fresh seafood is abundant in this country, and in most cases you are eating the cᴀтcн of the day. Other staples include delicious rice creations and fresh plantains. Local ingredients play a central role in everyday cooking and most tourists won’t recognize some of the fruits and root vegetables used in local cuisine.

Historic Towns

Nicaragua is home to historic Granada, one of the oldest cities of the Americas.

Volcanoes that Beg to be Climbed

Whether you are climbing active or dormant volcanoes, swimming in crater lakes or checking out the views from the top, volcano climbing is a must for any vacationer in Nicaragua.

The Undiscovered Islands

Nicaragua has an incredible number of islands, and most are relatively undiscovered by tourists. These gems are one of the main reasons to visit this country before the crowds come.

The Friendly People
Nicaraguans are friendly and open by nature, and love to welcome people into their country.

Waterfalls, Jungles, Canyons and More

Besides white sand beaches and towering volcanoes, visitors will find lush tropical jungles, cloud forests and plummeting waterfalls in Nicaragua.

Abundant Wildlife

Howler monkeys, turtles, parrots, sloths, whales, dolphins, armadillos; the list is endless on what wildlife calls Nicaragua home.

Breathtaking Beaches

From the Pacific to the Caribbean side, there are more beaches in Nicaragua than you’ll have time to explore. Head to the famous surfing beaches of San Juan del Sur on the Pacific coast where you will find plenty of restaurants, hotels, ʙᴇᴀcн ʙᴀʀs.

< Source : https://www.destinationtips.com/destinations/10-reasons-to-visit-nicaragua/ >

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