10 Most Beautiful Places in America

They don’t sing about America the Beautiful for nothing. The USA boasts a wide range of spectacular landscapes and settings that will make your jaw drop in awe. If you are looking to take a road trip or want a scenic place to spend a holiday, consider a visit to some of these most beautiful places in America.

Oneonta Gorge, Oregon
Oneonta Gorge is located in Oregon’s picturesque Columbia River region. This stunning setting is beset with ᴇɴcнᴀɴтιɴԍ cascades, moss-covered rock walls and lush ferns.

Watkins Glen State Park, New York

San Francisco, California

The sight of the majestic Golden Gate Bridge stretched across the fog-strewn bay is a glorious sight.

The Grand Canyon, Arizona
There may be a lot of нʏᴘᴇ ʀᴇԍᴀʀᴅιɴԍ the beauty of the Grand Canyon, but it’s all true. This amazing destination is the ideal place to visit if you love the outdoors.

Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

Anhinga Trail, Everglades, Florida

Bear Island Light, Maine
Located in Acadia National Park, Bear Island Light is a spectacular New England site. The dramatic coast is complemented by Cadillac Mountain in the distance.

Tallulah Falls, Georgia

Waipio Valley, Hawaii

Glacier Bay, Alaska

< Source : https://www.destinationtips.com/destinations/13-beautiful-places-in-america/ >

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