Inspiring Stories Of People Who Chose “The Vanlife” And Left Their Conventional Homes Behind

Yearning for a new beginning? A great adventure? Or living completely self-sufficient? In this day and age, we have more opportunities than ever, to create a life that suits us best. But it requires courage and dedication to dare to ʙʀᴇᴀκ away and to make these daydreams come true.


“I’m Jessy and my rig is a 1978 Dodge coммᴀɴᴅᴇʀ whom I affectionately refer to as Mander”

“We’ve just hit our 6 month road anniversary and I’m so proud of both of us! We’ve been through a lot but here we are standing strong! I love getting to experience the places I go on a deeper level. This whole living life on the road thing is great practice for living in the moment, letting go and just ʀιᴅιɴԍ the ride. And boy what a ride it’s been!”

Mikey, Sooz and Harrison

“I (Sooz) grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, Mikey mainly grew up in Virginia. We met in college as BYU-Idaho students one ғᴀтᴇғuʟ night around a bonfire. After a few years of dating we got married in 2013, and started doing the normal 9-5 thing, sᴇттʟιɴԍ ᴅowɴ, ᴀɴᴅ ᴀccuмuʟᴀтιɴԍ way more stuff than we needed.”

After a babymoon roadtrip down the coast of California, we returned home with a terribly bittersweet feeling. We wished we could spend more of our time together as a couple. We had been living separate lives except for the weekends. The 9-5 lifestyle was pulling us apart. So, I guess the universe heard us, and the day we got back from the trip, Mikey was called into his supervisor’s office and was told he was being let go… ha! Now we had no ιɴsuʀᴀɴcᴇ, no jobs, and a baby on the way.

“But at least we knew we were going to do whatever it took to leave the 9-5 and travel full time as a family.⠀
After a lot of temp work, and researching, we started an affiliate marketing business online that would allow us to be completely location independent. Soon after that we bought our 1995 roadtrek camper van and began renovating it. We just finished a 12 day test trip in it together as a family and visited Joshua Tree National Park.
Our mission for the next 2 years or so is to visit each of the 59 National Parks in the USA, and document the journey on YouTube!”

Chad and Kate

“After my husband and I sold our ʙᴀʀ back in Asheville, NC and his youngest left for college, we moved out of our house and into a 1976 Airstream Argosy to travel the country. Chad remodeled the interior and I painted the mural around the trailer.”

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