Foods You Must Try in Hungary

Like many countries in the region, Hungary sports a heavily Germanic-influenced cuisine, albeit with its own distinct Magyar spin. Dishes tend to be extensively based on meat, bread and seasonal vegetables, with more than a few delicious desserts thrown in. Let’s just say the traditional cuisine developed before the low-carb cʀᴀzᴇ. Perhaps most famous is its meat stew, known to most foreigners as goulash. Heading on a trip to Budapest and beyond? Take a look at some of the tempting foods you must try in Hungary, even if you can’t pronounce the names!


Perhaps one of the uɴнᴇᴀʟтнιᴇsт fast-food options on the ᴘʟᴀɴᴇт, Lángos is nonetheless quite delicious, particularly after a late night out. The base consists of a deep-fried dough, but you can choose from a variety of toppings, the most popular one being sour cream and cheese. Other options include mashed potatoes, yogurt, mushroom, cabbage or even jam.


Gulyás is a traditional beef stew that has served as a staple of the Hungarian diet since the ninth century. Popular Hungarian goulashes may include beans, sauerkraut, smoked meat, potatoes or sour cream. Most are quite soupy, and are often served with csipetke egg noodles.

Although foreigners sometimes confuse it with Gulyás, Pörkölt is a different kind of meat stew consisting of meat, paprika and a variety of vegetables. You’ll find Pörkölt with almost any kind of meat, with beef and pork being the most common.

Dobos Torte
This Hungarian specialty is an intricate five-layered cake of chocolate buttercream and sponge. It is topped with a glorious crust of caramel and decorated with nuts along the side.

Rántott Sajt
Also popular in Czech Republic and Slovakia, Rántott Sajt is essentially deep-fried cheese. ʙᴀттᴇʀᴇᴅ in breadcrumbs and typically consisting of edam, mozzarella or a local cheese, this uɴнᴇᴀʟтнʏ ʏᴇт ιʀʀᴇsιsтιʙʟᴇ ᴅιsн is commonly served as a street snack.

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