Mysterious Forest Of 400 Crooked Trees In Poland Is Still A Mystery For Scientists

Despite their eery beauty, scientists are still at a loss as to why all of these trees in a Polish forest are crooked at the base. They are otherwise totally healthy and individual, but they all have a unique twist right in the base of the trunk that makes them a unique grouping. While some believe it was man-made in an effort to create specific shapes, others are convinced it was an extraterrestrial experience.

A small grove of regular pine trees in West Pomerania, Poland has become very popular all around the globe. This grove has become famous because of one little twist- all 400 of the trees here have a strange bend at its base.

The grove was planted around 1930, when its location was still within the German province of Pomerania. It is generally believed that some form of human tool or technique was used to make the trees growing this way, but the method and motive are still unknown.

So there was some space for speculations about witchcraft and energy fields in the obscure parts of the internet. Most probably the trees were cut down above the first side shoot, so this shoot became the new main trunk of the pines. But the specific purpose behind this technique is unknown since the former inhabitants of this area had to leave after WWII.

There are speculationa that the trees may have been deformed to create naturally curved timber for use in furniture or boat building. But the grove is hiding its secrets, since there is no final answer to date | Poland, 2015, posted Kilian Schoenberger on Facebook. More info:

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