15 Harry Potter Destinations Around the World

Apparently there are a few fans of the Harry Potter series out there – a few hundred million, at least. It’s the best selling book series of all times, with over 500 million copies sold. It’s been translated into 67 languages. The movies took in around $8 billion at the box office, and have been rebroadcast on TV and digitally downloaded countless more times. Then there are theme parks and merchandising offshoots that put even more cha-ching in billionaire author J.K. Rowling’s pockets. All these stats make this little tale of a boy wizard more than just popular, it’s a bona fide global phenomenon with multiple generations of devotees. So what’s the next step after you’ve read all 7 books and watched all 8 movies several times through? Plot your own Potter pilgrimage.

Elephant House, Edinburgh

Privet Drive

Reptile House, London Zoo

Diagon Alley and the Leaky Caldron Pub

Gringott’s wιzᴀʀᴅιɴԍ Bank

Platform 9 3/4, London

Hogsmead Station

The Dining Hall

Hogwarts and the Quidditch Pitch

Lily and James’ House in Godric’s Hollow

The Making of Harry Potter Tour

VIP Tour at Warner Bros. Studio, Burbank

Walk in the Actors’ Footsteps

wιzᴀʀᴅιɴԍ World of Harry Potter, Orlando

< Source : https://www.destinationtips.com/destinations/15-harry-potter-destinations-around-world/ >

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