10 Stunning Cherry Blossom Pictures to Get You in the Springtime Spirit

If there’s ever a time to be humbled at the majesty of Mother Nature, its during the annual cherry blossom season. This ephemeral phenomenon sweeps through Japan like magic sometime between March and May as winter gives way to spring. It starts at the southern tip of Okinawa and advances northwards up the country to Hokkaido in a frontline of pale pink petals. It only lasts a week or two, but the entire nation takes time to appreciate and celebrate this special season. In 1912, the mayor of Tokyo gifted 3,000 cherry trees to the city of Washington DC, so the nation’s capital also experiences the bliss of these blossoms as they herald in the spring. Take a look at the world through the rose colored glasses of cherry blossom season.

Jefferson Memorial Bathed in Pink

Tidal Basin in Full Bloom

The Blossoms Only Last a Week or Two

You Might Not Want to Go Inside the Smithsonian When It’s This Gorgeous Outside

It Smells as Pretty as it Looks

The Petals Look Like Pink Snow

It Almost Makes You Forget About the Ugliness Going on in the Capitol

If Only this Burst of Color Could Last Longer

It’s Beyond Breathtaking

The Washington DC Cherry Blossom Festival Draws Visitors From All Over the World

< Source : https://www.destinationtips.com/inspiration/cherry-blossoms-get-springtime-spirit/10/ >


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