The Most Extreme Wedding Destinations in the World

Not everyone is looking to say “I do” in a traditional setting. The days of getting married in a church or on a beach are definitely here to stay, but some couples prefer to take a walk on the wild side when it comes to exchanging their vows. From underwater nuptials to tying the knot at the top of the highest mountain in the world, here are a few of the most extreme destinations that will get your ᴀᴅʀᴇɴᴀʟιɴᴇ pumping on your wedding day.

Bungee Jumping

Bungee jumping is an ᴇxтʀᴇмᴇ sᴘoʀт that’s not for the faint at heart. For those couples who really want to get their ʙʟooᴅ pumping, taking a leap off a bridge is the way to go. Just check out this video of a couple who went bungee jumping on their special day.

On the Slopes

This skiing couple took to the icy slopes for their special day. With the bride decked out in her wedding gown and the groom looking dapper in his tux, this wedding in the midst of a winter wonderland is definitely the perfect location for ᴇxтʀᴇмᴇ sᴘoʀтs loving couples.

Next to An Active Volcano

Tying the knot next to an active volcano may seem like a ᴅᴀɴԍᴇʀous and unusual way to get hitched, but imagine how beautiful the scenery in your wedding day photos would be! This couple hiked to the top of Mount Yasur on their wedding day, while the volcano erupted every few minutes, spewing hot rocks and ash into the air.

On Top of Mount Everest

Take your love to the highest peak in the world by saying “I do” at the top of Mount Everest. If you don’t have two months to spare to make it to the top, you can get married at one of the lower base camps, like this couple did.

At an Amusement Park

For the thrill-seeking couple, an amusement park is the best place to have their ceremony. This couple exchanged their vows will riding one of the fastest roller coasters in the park. Let’s just hope their marriage isn’t as bumpy! Watch the video to see how much fun an amusement park ceremony can really be!

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