We Had A Wedding At Burning Man, And It Was Magical

In August 2018, my partner Gilles Bonugli and I were married at Burning Man which had been an important part of our relationship from the beginning.

Gilles is a French visual artist and photographer, and I’m a Jamaican born fashion designer who grew up in New York. We first met at a Burner party in NYC back in 2015, and I fell in love with Gilles’ Burning Man photography which captured the immense beauty of Black Rock City.

In typical Burning Man spirit, we decided to trade services: I would make Gilles’ Burning Man costume designs, and he would shoot photos for my clothing line Fringe & Epaulette. That was the beginning of our creative union, and since then, we’ve collaborated on countless artistic projects, including the design of our wedding outfits.

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/intergalactic-wedding-burning-man-photography-yoshi-churnac/ >

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