I Live In A Rural Area In The Netherlands And I Capture Its Scenic Countryside

I’m a fulltime outdoor and travel photographer, living together with my wife and kids in a rural area in the Eastern part of The Netherlands, called Twente. Twente is particularly known for its scenic countryside. Because of the bocage-like landscape, there’s a good chance to stumble upon a different beautiful vista after every turn or corner. 

I really love to travel abroad and discover new places. However, the charm of my home region is like a magnet and keeps on luring me back.

Tree Alley On A Summer Morning Near Enschede

An Old Footpath In Between Two Villages

Bent Beeches Near Delden

Our Favourite Way Of Communting

Traditional Farm In North East Twente

Tree Alley With Beautiful Old Beech Trees

Oak Tree Growing Through A Shed’s Roof

Misty Dirt-Road And Bicycle Lane

Sheeps Gathering Around An Old Oak

Blooming Heather, Buurse

The Oldest Tree In Twente

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/photography-nature-the-netherlands-vincent-croce/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic >

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