Over 5 Million Tiny Blue Flowers Have Bloomed In This Japanese Park, Unveiling A Magical Sight

Usually, Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan is packed with tourists at this time of the year. However, the pandemic has sh.uffl.ed the cards and the park has been closed to the public since April 4. And while many people associate Japan with beautiful blossoms of sakura, a two-hour drive north of Tokyo unveils a fairytale-like sight of a sea of millions of baby blue flowers.

In mid-April, Nemophila flowers revealed their blooms at the Hitachi Seaside Park in Japan

Over 5 million flowers, also known as baby-blue eyes, has turned the landscape into a magical sight

The sky-blue blooms take up an area of around 8.6 acres

Usually, the park is packed with tourists taking photos in the fields

However, as the park has been closed since April 4, the empty fields have unveiled a serene landscape

As nemophila usually bloom from mid-April to mid-May, visitors will have to wait until next year to see them in person

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/hitachi-seaside-park-japan-spring-blooms-nemophila/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic >



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