10 Pics Of Wavy Crinkle Crankle Garden Walls That Take Fewer Bricks To Build Than Straight Ones

Popularized in the United Kingdom, wavy walls were since then exported elsewhere, including into the United States. So-called crinkle crankle garden walls (don’t you just love that name?) are very economical—they end up using fewer bricks than straight walls. Your first reaction was probably just like ours, dear Pandas: that doesn’t make any sense! Well, wavy walls end up using fewer bricks because they can be one brick thin. Straight walls would topple over if you made them one brick wide. Meanwhile, all the curves in the wall give it stability.

The UK is full of charming crinkle crankle garden walls

They take fewer bricks to build than straight walls because they’re only one brick thick

Wavy walls are gorgeous, great for growing fruit trees in the alcoves, and for defending your garden (if it ever comes to that)

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/wavy-crinkle-crankle-walls/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic >


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