This Floating Pod Is A Certified Boat With Accommodation Inside That Can Be Used For Sailing

So, the only thing left to do is to adapt to the current climate of the situation and to offer more spacious and more secluded options for the few guests that they can still find.

Turns out, there’s a circular pod-shaped apartment on water that people can now rent

The pod is called Anthénea and it’s a 100% solar powered and self-sufficient piece of accommodation

It comes with its own gray and black water tank and filter systems making sure none of it spills out into the oceans

The pod comes with a fully furnished kitchenette, a bathroom, a lounge, and a bedroom

On the outside, there’s a 30-meter round deck and a lounge-like observatory

The pod is a certified boat, so it’s possible to travel in it and to even observe underwater life

Besides being offered to private persons as a living space, Anthénea can also be used as a hotel suite

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