Times Nature Won The Battle Against Civilization

We humans often build roads and bridges, canals and ports, even entire cities at the expense of the environment. But nature isn’t planning on giving up. On the contrary, it is determined to persevere, showing just how fragile our creations are.

Tree That Grew From The Inside Of An Abandoned Chimney

The Gate Keeper At The Abandoned Putzar Castle In Germany

Found This Beautiful Tree Growing Inside An Abandoned Silo While I Was Exploring

This Chinese Fishing Village Was Abandon In The 1990s. Nature Has All But Reclaimed It (Houtouwan, cнιɴᴀ)

Old Shiva Temple Firmly Embraced By The Sacred Bodhi Tree In Bangladesh

This Tree Grew Inside The Stop Sign

Railroad Tracks In The Forest (Taiwan)

This Vine Climbed Up A Chair To Silence My Wind Chime

Boat Wreck Reclaimed By Nature And Turned Into An Island

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Abandoned Castle In Ireland

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/nature-reclaiming-civilization/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic >

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