Turns Out There’s A Dedicated Community For Sharing Pics Of Extraordinary Weather Conditions And Phenomena

A patchy drizzle, a snowstorm in the middle of December, a foggy morning and a burst of clear sunshine on that fine Friday afternoon – are all common and equally vital events that happen daily in our atmosphere. 

Weather is a very influential thing that affects our lives on a day-to-day basis. Think about it – it determines our mood, picks the choice of attire we’re going to wear, decides if the plans we’ve established will be enjoyable in the given circumstances, or whether it’s a good idea to carry them out in general.

Texas, May 17 2021; Credit To Stormchaser Laura Rowe

Amazing Photo By Adam Kyle Jackson

Supercell Near Leoti, Ks

A Pilot Captured This Thunderstorm As Seen From 37,000 Feet

A Storm Forming Over Wisconsin

From A Storm Over Edmonton Canada

Stormy Sunset, Wild Horses Beach, North Carolina

Photo Taken In Oahu, Hawaii By Benji Barnes

Can Anyone Explain How This Ice Is Formed On Our Car Windscreen. The Weather Was Raining Then Froze Quickly But Only To Around -1c

Taken Near Glenburn, Nd, Last Night

< Source : https://www.boredpanda.com/weather-phenomena-photos-subreddit/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic >

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