This 144-Year-Old Wisteria In Japan Looks Like A Pink Sky

These stunning photographs, which look like a glorious late evening sky with dashes of pink and purple, are actually pictures of Japan’s largest wisteria (or wistaria, depending on whom you ask) plant.

It’s a rainbow, it’s a roof, it’s a tree? This 144-year-old Wisteria located in Japan looks nothing like your ordinary tree. With branches protruding out half-a-mile long, standing beneath this tree makes you truly feel like you’ve slipped into another world. A world where an enchanted pink sky hangs like a canopy overhead

The pink and purple blooms typical to the wisteria tree are spread wildly throughout, extending far and wide. The ginormous vines stretching out of the tree are held up by steel rods placed throughout. Otherwise, the weight of the branches would cause the tree to collapse in on itself–potentially trapping awed visitors inside!

In all seriousness, the steel rods make it possible to venture beneath this tree and see how stunning it looks from the underside. From inside, the light pours in through the brightly colored vines, reflecting off of the flowers in unimaginable ways.

There are wisteria trees in many parts of the world, but one of the most well-known gorgeous giants is located at Ashikaga Flower Park. After looking at these photos I’m ready to book the next flight to Japan! Planted around the year 1870, this tree has since brought so much delight. The wisteria is at its peak beauty between mid-April and mid-May.

You can see the rods supporting the heavy vines of the wisteria, wisteria that do not have a surface to grow up, or support them, will fall and start to grow into a large heap. Depending on what time of day you visit, the lighting changes offering a world of diversity. Beware, even though this tree appears beautiful the seeds that it sheds are actually poisonous.

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