Things Not to Do in Mexico

Most travel guides will give you lists of things to do in a destination, but often the “what not to dos” are just as important considerations. Whether you are going to a Baja beach, a Yucatan resort, a small mountain village, or a big city south of the border, there are certain things to keep in mind when visiting this great country.

1. Don’t Hitch a Ride in a Libre Taxi

Taxis are extremely popular amongst tourists, but when it comes to getting around Mexico, you’ll definitely want to avoid this mode of transportation. Many taxi companies are unlicensed, resulting in their drivers being unmonitored and unsupervised. Before hopping into the back of any ol’ vehicle and potentially putting your life in ᴅᴀɴԍᴇʀ, make sure the taxi has clear and proper signage. Your hotel should also be able to vouch for which companies are legit. And as a bonus tip: negotiate your fare before getting into the cab.

2. Don’t Flaunt Your Valuables

This one is a no-brainer, but we thought we’d add it as a friendly reminder just in case you’re planning on packing all of your fancy duds for your Mexican vacay. Walking around with blinging jewelry, an expensive camera dangling from around your neck, and an expensive handbag hanging from your shoulder will make you an easy target for тнιᴇvᴇs. To play it safe, try to blend in with the locals by taking a less-is-more approach when it comes to your clothing and accessories.

3. Don’t End Your Night Without Going to Dietrich Roma

Taking inspiration from German actress Marlene Dietrich in Mexico City is a mansion-turned-cocktail bar where the who’s who of the city convene. After a day of exploring and enjoying some of the country’s finest cuisine, Dietrich Roma is the perfect place to get a ɴιԍнтcᴀᴘ, from their fruity Lily Tequila or their rum-filled Man by the Roadside. And don’t forget to take a picture in their on-site photo booth before heading out!

4. Don’t Over-Plan

Leave some room for serendipity and spontaneity. That is when the magic of travel happens, not on a pre-scheduled tour bus or around the hotel pool. Get out there and explore Mexico a little. You never know when you’re going to find a cozy cafe, stumble upon a street performance or get swept up in a zocalo fiesta.

5. Don’t Use the Metro System During Rush Hour

When hora pico (rush hour) comes around, the streets and highways of the major cities in Mexico turn into parking lots. During the peak hours of 7-10 a.m. and 5-8 p.m., you’ll want to refrain from using the metro system – that is unless you don’t mind  getting sтucκ in traffic and being cʀᴀммᴇᴅ inside a packed bus.

6. Don’t Drink the Water, ‘мoɴтᴇzuмᴀs ʀᴇvᴇɴԍᴇ’ Is Very Real

Let’s start with the obvious. Beyond Cancun and the up-scale resorts/restaurants that use purified water filtration systems, the “don’t drink the water” advice is sound. Stick to bottled H2O – and plenty of it. You need to stay hydrated in this hot climate. Bottled water is cheap and everywhere, so stock up and swig frequently. Make sure the bottle you buy is sealed and not just refilled from the tap. If you can, it’s best to brush your teeth with bottled water, too. You know, just to play it safe.

7. Don’t Expect to Find Toilet Seats Outside of Tourist Areas

In many smaller towns and establishments away from the tourist centers of Mexico, toilet seats seem to be an optional accessory to the throne. You’ll be presented with the standard porcelain rim, but not the flip down seat that makes the process all the more comfortable (especially for women who sit down more than men for these purposes).

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